Recommendations To Parents

These Rules and Regulations are laid down in the best interest of your child. Kindly read them and assist your son to observe them diligently.

  • Give your whole- hearted and willing co-operation in all matters pertaining to the education of your ward. Please abide by the judgment and decision of the Principal and the staff.
  • Supervise your ward’s studies at home; send him/her to College regularly and help him/her to maintain his/her college work neatly.
  • Do look for the occasional reports, comments and complaints from teachers entered in the calendar of your ward; sign them as proof that you have seen them; and also sign other relevant documents when required.
  • You are recommended to call on the Principal at least once in each term so as to ascertain from him/her what has been the conduct and progress of your ward.
  • Complaints, if any, should be made in writing to the Principal, and not to the teachers. We do not act on anonymous letters.
  • As per the government rule, the Date of Birth of a student, once entered in our records, cannot be changed under any circumstances (By order No. 110117-1 (5)11981-82, dated 15.10.1981, of the inspector of Anglo – Indian Schools, Lucknow).
  • The student who does not rejoin the school within three days after the commencement of a Term or after a major vacation shall be removed from the rolls unless leave has been previously applied for and sanctioned by the principal.
  • In case of absence for more than three days on medical grounds, a medical certificate must be produced. The medical certificate should bear the rubber stamp of the doctor with his registration number. In case of necessity, the school has the right to have the child re-examined by a doctor acceptable to the College.
  • Do not forget to submit Medical certificate if your child is absent on medical grounds. Medical Leave is granted not for less than three days at a time.
  • If a student continues to be absent for a month without the previous written permission of the Principal his/her name, will be struck off from the roll. In case of readmission, all the fees will be charged afresh.
  • Students will be sent back home, in the absence of a written explanation from their guardians/parents, for being late. The college accepts no responsibility if a child is asked to return home during school hours for non-compliance of any of the rules contained in this calendar.
  • You are restrained from meeting your ward or his/her teachers during the class hours without the permission of the Principal. The second Saturday of every month is an Open day when you can meet the teachers and the Principal without any prior appointment.
  • On all working Saturdays, teachers will be available for consultation up to half an hour after the school hours.
  • For a valid reason you may take away your child from the class, after obtaining the gate pass from the Principal. During the class time, students will not be sent with anyone else other than parents, unless an application to the contrary, by the parents, is submitted.
  • Do not engage any of the staff members of the college for private tuition. In case, if a particular student wants the help of a teacher of the college, take an explicit written permission from the Principal before doing so.
  • In matters of evaluating the answer sheets and the annual promotions, the opinion of the Principal and the staff is binding. No re-evaluation of answer papers and reconsideration of promotions will be entertained.
  • Answer sheets of the First and the Second Term Examinations will be shown to you for scrutiny on only to assess the performance of your ward and hence, no corrections or re-evaluation of answer sheets will be entertained under any circumstance.
  • The Principal may punish a student in a manner suited to the seriousness or frequency of the offence, which may vary from detention after school hours to suspension, or even expulsion from the Institution.
  • Please do not support the small lies of the children; it will lead to bigger ones later. Love them you must, but not without teaching them responsibility.
  • Tuitions are playing havoc with the lives of children. They have no time to do any self study; instead they waste away the precious time for study, games etc. The growing up mind is being polluted in different ways. Hence, encourage children to form the habit of self-study; to clarify their doubts from their own subject teachers in the school and to avoid having parallel classes in the so called tuition centers.
  • Children are your wealth; students are our pride. As you love and care for them, so do we, and intend the best for them. Hence we the staff and parents should have mutual trust and confidence. Never let sparks turn into fire.
  • Very often student bring to school such items that have nothing to do with studies. For e.g.: Mobiles, ‘Poke-mon’, and Tattoos etc. Parents must prevent the children from bringing such things to the college. Please do not expect the Principal and the staff to do what the parents are supposed to do.
  • It is a matter of deep concern that parents send children suffering from infectious ailments to attend classes or examinations. Such conduct would lead to an epidemic like situation in the school. Please remember that we are responsible for the welfare of others hence, take note of the quarantine period recommended for a few different infectious ailments.
  • Chicken Pox – three weeks.
  • Measles and mumps – two weeks.
  • Conjunctivitis – one week


Though the College can do a lot for your child, it cannot do everything. The home is the place where the child gets his/her first education and training. It is the chief place where character is formed and developed. Education only enhances the growth of personality and helps to discover the dormant qualities that are in them. So your cooperation is very necessary.

You are requested to help your children with their homework, prepare a time table for their personal study and see that they follow it religiously. Our aim is to develop in our students strong attitudes of self reliance and confidence with personal and concentrated study habits, to stimulate in them original thinking. Therefore, we would like you to discourage your children from going for private tuitions, which will make them lazy, irresponsible, indisciplined and dependent.

Thought for the day

The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure much.” ~William Hazlit