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Guidelines For Students
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Guidelines For Students
a. Be polite and gentle mainly everywhere.
b. Be honest and truthful, and stand for values whatever be the cost.
c. Accept cheerfully whatever responsibility is given, and face difficulties with courage and determination.
d. Be courteous to the officials in the playground and take part in games in true sportsman spirit.
e. Greet your parents, teachers and elders whenever you meet them.
f. Have proper hair cut at all times, avoid long hair, long nails, and other modern fashion styles.
g. Respect your own property, that of the college, as well as those belonging to others.
h. Be punctual and regular in coming to the college.
i. Be bold to say ‘No’ when asked to do something that is basically wrong.
Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person, are expected from every pupil. Students must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard.
Students are responsible for their conduct not only in the school, but also outside. Any objectionable conduct outside the college makes them liable for disciplinary action, because such conduct would endanger the good name of the College.
Any kind of damage done to the College property must be made good/compensated.
No newspapers, periodicals, mobile phones, other electronic items etc. are to be brought to the college.
No collection of any sort is to be made without the explicit permission of the Principal.
Gifts to the members of the staff, or other expressions in their honor are not allowed.
Students must speak English in the campus.
All students must possess a copy of the College calendar and it is to be brought to the College on all working days.
Late-comers and absentees will not be admitted without a proper explanation in writing from the parents.
Students are not allowed to visit the Staff Rooms, except with the permission of the teachers.
Leave of Absence will be granted for genuine reasons if applied by the parents in advance.
Fines will be imposed by the principal or the staff for irregularity, indiscipline, damage to the college property, improper uniform, violation of Motor-Rules etc.
Students are not to leave the College premises during school hours, without the written permission of the Principal/ Vice-Principal/Head Mistress.
Irregular attendance, insubordination, bad conduct, habitual lack of interest, behavior detrimental to the discipline and the moral tone of the College, repeated failure in tests or examinations, are sufficient reasons, singly or collectively, to expel a student from the College.
On National Days – Republic Day, Independence Day, and Gandhi Jayanti- every student must be present for the school activities. Absence on these days without prior permission from the Principal will invite stringent action.
College holds no responsibility for the loss of money, books, articles of clothing, or other valuables; students are exhorted not to bring excess money and valuables into the campus.
Lost and found articles are to be deposited in the office.
For disobedience to the clearly expressed orders of the Principal, punishment laid down is dismissal without any warning. The same applies to moral turpitude, defacing of the college property and premise, and defiance of the authorities.
Students are not excused from games and physical activities without a written note from a qualified doctor; on the other hand they are highly encouraged to come for games every evening and also to take part in cultural and sports competitions.
Do not bring color and throw it on any person within the school premises during the season of Holi; the same applies to the bringing of crackers and bursting them in the campus. Anyone indulging in these will be severely dealt with.
Thought for the day
The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure much.”
~William Hazlit